Tactics, Tips and Tools for your Shop

The bite window

It’s a warm, slightly overcast, mid-May evening.  The building humidity hints at the thunderstorm predicted to roll through after dark. Bugs are about to go off – you can almost feel the electrical hum. The glassy surface begins to dot with stealthy noses. First a few, then more and more as the heavy air comes alive with the hatch. This is the bite window. The perfect collision of circumstances. That moment we all, as anglers, live for.

It’s the perfect metaphor for the industry right now. Anglers are getting younger, new first-time triers are in the market in greater numbers, and technology has drastically changed the way we gather information and make our purchases. The perfect collision of circumstances. As a shop owner, this is your bite window.

Let’s take a look at some of the specifics:


A July 2020 Special Report on Fishing conducted jointly by the Recreational Boating and Fishing Foundation (RBFF) and the Outdoor Foundation found that 60% of the seven million U.S. fly anglers are under the age of 44.

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New Participants

Further, and fueled in some part by the pandemic, 2020 saw nearly 10 Million new anglers, predominantly in the 25-44 age range (78%), and 1.2 million reactivated anglers (61% in the 25-44 age range) enter the market.

Fly fishing had an especially high percentage of first-time participants compared to other fishing categories. 17% of all fly- fishing participants, or 1.2 million people, were new to the activity in 2019. “Female first-time anglers” made up a significant portion (22%) of all female fly- fishing participants.

19% of all new anglers cited “not having the right equipment” as a barrier to entry. And a whopping 39% of new anglers purchased their rods and reels online.



People were new to Fly Fishing in 2019



1st Time

Female Paricipants



People were new to Fly Fishing in 2019



1st Time

Female Paricipants

Technology and Shopping Habits:

At the same time, E-commerce is quickly replacing in-store shopping. With platforms like Amazon being an extremely attractive option as it provides comprehensive customer reviews, easy- to-navigate interface, broad selection, quick & free delivery and fair pricing. In June of 2020 alone, Amazon registered 5.2 Billion unique visitors.

And that’s just the tip of the E-commerce iceberg. In 2019, smartphones accounted for over 60 percent of all retail website visits worldwide. As the adoption of mobile devices is progressing at a rapid pace, mobile integration will continue to shape the shopping experience of the future. As millions of people stayed home in early 2020 to contain the spread of the virus, digital channels have become the most popular alternative to crowded stores and in-person shopping. In June 2020, global retail e-commerce traffic stood at a record 22 billion monthly visits.

I purchased a Rod & Reel from a retail store

I purchased a
Rod & Reel Online

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The bite window is open. So, what does this mean to you as a fly shop owner?

First, business as usual is no longer going to cut it. As the median age of fly anglers continues to get younger, new participants enter the market, and technology continues to advance, fly shops will either adapt or be left behind. It’s really that simple

Second, the market is ripe with opportunity as new participants continue to enter the sport. If you can provide them with the resources, tools and an easy-to-use and non-intimidating experience in a format they are comfortable in, there is a real chance to grab market share, grow sales revenue and build lifetime customers.

Exuvia was developed with precisely these needs in mind, providing everything your store needs in one simple customized package:

  • State-of-the-art E-commerce
  • River Report
  • Guide Booking Engine
  • Classes and Events
  • BLOGS and Gear Reviews
  • Lodging
  • Social Media Integration
  • Mobile Friendly
  • Simple Visual Editing

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